Introducing Erlang book cover
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As the book name suggests, the author assumes no knowledge of Erlang, or for that matter no knowledge of any programming language. That makes reading the book slow, at some points painfully slow. While this is a good book to get your hands dirt, it’s definitely not enough to make you ready for developing large projects in Erlang. The book has a bottom-up approach, you first learn simple things slowly, like defining functions, and at the very end you get introduced to what most Erlang projects are based on. You get to see code snippets of just few lines. It would be great, if the author had analyzed say a simple chat server in Erlang, in the last chapter.

Overall, this is a good book if you want to learn the syntax and basics. If you want to do serious Erlang coding you should find a second book after reading this. I enjoyed reading this book, and would recommend it if you have never seen Erlang before.